Advice NI Quality Update for 2019

The past year has been an extremely busy time for our members who are in the process of obtaining accreditation for the Northern Ireland Advice Quality Standard (NIAQS).

Advice NI now has 21 members signed up for the Online Quality Portal and are working their way through their gap analyses for NIAQS.  Out of these 21, five member organisations have met their external assessment criteria with Advice NI and will now have their full Quality audit with the Law Centre NI.
Over the year 2018/19, 34 advisers, assessors and managers have undertaken the quality case recording and NIAQS quality of advice audit training and a further 46 since the beginning of April this year
Assessor workshops have been delivered both for member organisations and internal projects in Advice NI.  Feedback from these workshops is very positive and helps ensure consistency of quality of advice assessments throughout the Independent Advice Network. 
The peer review process is now operational with two of Advice NI member organisations and one internal Advice NI project. This process takes time to embed into an organisation and may require bespoke training and support to teams working in this area of quality.
Advice NI as always is keen to support its members in the delivery of high quality advice services. Advice NI is committed to working closely with all its member organisations to help them prepare, achieve and maintain the NIAQS.  
Advice NI has a dedicated Quality Assurance Coordinator – Marie Gilmore. Her role is to provide individual support to member organisations during the NIAQS process. A number of external audits and case file reviews have been completed for member organisations who do not have the capacity to undertake these internally themselves.  In addition, ongoing case file reviews and quality of advice audits are in process within Advice NI projects, all of these are overseen by Marie. 
As part of her role Marie provides one-on-one support sessions with a focus on NIAQS. She also provides support sessions on the access and use of the Quality of Advice portal.
Advice NI facilitates a Quality sub-group of four member organisations and two Advice NI staff members.  This group develops good practice guides and other supporting documents, in response to the gap analyses needs of member organisations. They include policy and procedures for NIAQS requirements, in addition to piloting such working policies as triage, call listening and shadowing procedures for the sector.  Members can find these guides and supporting documents on the Quality portal for their own use. They also include guides on risk assessment, clear desk, clear screen and data protection policies.
Should your organisation feel you require any assistance with the NIAQS journey or would simply like to have a chat about starting the process and what is involved, please contact the Advice NI Quality team on:
028 90 645919