Advice NI says no to hate and offers support to ethnic minority communities

Advice NI is deeply concerned about recent anti-immigrant and racist violence and condemns the ongoing violent racist attacks both in Northern Ireland and across the United Kingdom.

We recognise that it is a very frightening time for many in our ethnic minority communities, and especially for those currently seeking asylum in the UK. We urge anyone feeling intimidated or scared for themselves or their family to pick up the phone, as support is available.

Hate crime

Attacks on and intimidation of ethnic minority communities and individuals are hate crimes, and support is available to those affected.

Although hate crime is not in itself a specific offence in Northern Ireland, hate crimes can be prosecuted as forms of abuse, assault, harassment, intimidation or criminal damage, amongst other offences. In addition, hate crimes are recorded by the PSNI and support offered to victims. An offence will be treated as a hate crime when it relates to the victim’s ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, political opinion or disability. More information, including guidance on reporting a hate crime, is available from the PSNI website.

Migrant Centre NI operate the Race Hate Crime Advocacy Service, which provides support to victims of racist hate crime and incidents throughout Northern Ireland. Support will be provided to anyone affected, including settled ethnic minorities, migrant workers or asylum seekers and refugees, and interpreters are available where needed.

The Housing Executive is responsible for the administration of the Hate Incident Practical Action (HIPA) Scheme. This is available across Northern Ireland to support victims of hate incidents in their home and can provide personal and home protection measures if the home has been damaged. It also provides support to victims who are homeless, or threatened with homelessness.

Victims must report the hate incident to the police to be eligible for support. For further information about the scheme, contact the Housing Executive on 03448 920 900.

The Department of Justice operate compensation schemes for anyone who has been injured or suffered criminal damage because of a violent crime or unlawful association. Independent advice on making a claim to these schemes is available from the Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) by calling 028 9031 6000.

HOPE not hate provide a range of resources related to community cohesion and responding to far-right violence, including guidance on staying safe during violent disorder.