Ban on Pension cold calling

From 9th January 2019 Companies that make unwanted unsolicited phonecalls to people about their pension may face enforcement action.

This means unsolicited calls about your pension are now illegal. The caller must have the consent of the person before they can make the call.

Companies who make unsolicited phone calls can be fined up to £500k by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

The exceptions to the ban are
  • if the caller is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  • Is the trustee or manager of an occupational or pension scheme
  • The recipient of the call consents to calls
  • Has an existing relationships with the caller.

Legislation on banning the making of unsolicited phone calls (also known as cold calling) became effective in September 2018.

Before the legislation became into force anyone who did not want to receive unsolicited calls had to register with the free Telephone Preference Service. This put the onus on the recipient of calls.  It would mean anyone who was vulnerable, be it through age or mental health issues may not be aware they could opt out.  The new rules mean people will have to give their consent if they want to receive the call.
Previously firms that were shut down were able to evade paying the fines by declaring bankruptcy.   They then opened again as a new company.
The Information Commissioners Office stated the new rules would make it easier to punish those responsible. They can recover the fine more easily and the amendment in the law will make it much harder for unscrupulous operators set up business again.
If you receive a cold call below are contact details to make a complaint.
Telephone Preference Service (TPS)
Telephone 0345 070 0707
Information Commissioners Office (ICO)
0303 123 1113
Email: a complaint