MALG (NI) Talk Money Showcase Event with Advice NI

Also in November came Talk Money Week (November 12-18) backed by the Financial Capability Strategy for the UK and the Money Advice Service. 

The aim of the Talk Money Week is to get people talking about money: about debt, mortgages, loans, savings, credit and retirement.

This year Advice NI and the Money Advice Liaison Group (NI) hosted a special event at Parliament Buildings, Stormont. The Talk Money Week Showcasing Event featured a number of experts in their field presenting the special projects their organisations have undertaken to advise and educate on financial matters.

The showcase was presented by MALG co-chairs, Advice NI’s Sinead Campbell and Carmel Morris. Although actor Michael Sheen was due to attend the event he was waylaid by filming in New York (excuses excuses!). He did send the showcase a video message instead.

Speakers at the event included Janine Maher, Northern Ireland Manager of the Money Advice Service, Kellyanne Davoll  from the Housing Executive, Rena Campbell of Kith & Kin and Barry McMullan from NIACRO

Dr Elaine Stewart from Queen’s University Belfast presented research on a number of apps designed to enable better manage their money and debt. Teresa McCloskey from Apex Housing described a programme in conjunction with local credit unions that allowed tenants to step away from high interested and pay-day loans and start to save money again.

From Advice NI, Patricia Donald explained the Building Resilience for Retirement project which aimed to educate older people how to manage money online while Deborah Madden described how the ManagingChang£ trained people with chronic or acute mental health conditions on how to manage their finances.

Finally, Caroline Redpath and Connor McGilloway from Youth Action demonstrated the techniques they use to educate and train young people with money skills for life.

This was a fascinating event, both for individuals and those in the public sector with over 100 people in attendance.