SAE Graduation

To mark another successful year of the Supporting Active Engagement project, Advice NI celebrated all the participants’ achievements with an event at Belfast Castle recently.

The event saw the graduation of older people who had successfully completed the 10-week Rights4Seniors digital course over the last year. There were more than 240 graduates from Housing associations, Men's Sheds, older people in homes and community groups.

The course covers digital aspects internet searching, using email and social media as well as how to make complaints and to check for benefits entitlements online. The aim of the project continues to be supporting older people at risk of isolation and information poverty. The course was designed to help those over 55 become more engaged in society by making them aware of and giving them the tools to access digital information.

Scheme coordinators, community workers, family members, Advice NI staff attended the ceremony to share in the success of course participants and contribution of Advice NI volunteers.

Advice NI CEO Bob Stronge presented each Supporting Active Engagement volunteer with a thank you card noting the appreciation of their contribution to the project, organisation and most importantly to their students.

The event was chaired by long-time volunteer Pauline Prior and speakers included Eileen Patterson, Radius Housing Director of Communities, Fiona Magee, Advice NI Deputy CEO, Asma Nijazi, Supporting Active Engagement volunteer and Patricia Donald, Advice NI Head of ICT.

Although existing funding for the projects ends in September, Advice NI hope to continue with the project which would not have been the success it was without the time, effort and skills provided by its volunteers. We also thank all the steering committee members, in particular Radius Housing and the Big Lottery Fund  for their ongoing support.