Volunteer Working Group Meets to Discuss Scoping Exercises

This September featured a gathering of the Volunteer Working Group (VWG) at Advice NI head office in Belfast.

The Working Group comprises of Advice NI staff and representatives from across the Independent Advice Network and meets on a quarterly basis.

Volunteers are a vital part of the Independent Advice Network and Advice NI is currently working closely with members, management committees and of course volunteers to deliver a network-wide volunteer strategy. The aim of the group is to recognise the value and promote the benefits of becoming a volunteer within the advice sector.

The Volunteer Working Group supports and strengthens volunteering capacity and infrastructure within the Independent Advice Network and plans to improve the overall volunteering experience.

This quarter the group focussed on the findings and recommendations arisen from the internal staff and members scoping exercises carried out by Advice NI Volunteer Co-ordinator, Laura McDonald, earlier this year.

As a result of the exercises, the Volunteer Working Group will further examine the gaps in volunteer needs, volunteer training, volunteer support across the network and promotion of volunteering opportunities within member organisations.

Also covered was a summary of volunteer contacts as well as discussion of recruitment activities across various roles – recent enquiries about volunteering have now reached more than 50 per quarter. Coming up in the next quarter, the Working Group hopes to have additional volunteer representation on board.

At Advice NI and across the Independent Advice Network volunteer opportunities are always available in a number of different roles. If you or anyone you know is interested in giving something back to the community then you can contact our Volunteer Co-ordinator laura@adviceni.net or visit our website.