News Articles

  • Advice NI, NICVA and 100 organisations have asked for the Executive to be urgently re-formed: Cost of Living: Open Letter

  • membersday

    Our latest Members' Day on the 14th of September was held at Advice NI the overarching theme of our event was not only to launch the opening of our premises to our members but also maintaining membership engagement.

  • inspirationalspeaker

    In this episode of our Inspirational Speaker Series, Debbie Forsey will provide us with a brief overview of the student finance and funding system in NI at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She will also discuss how being in full-time higher education may impact upon those receiving social security benefits and highlight common issues and problems these claimant encounter when making a claim as a full-time student.

  • fuelpoverty

    You’d have to be living under a rock not to notice we are in an energy crisis. And while fuel poverty is a perennial problem that rears its head in the winter months and mostly impacts the lowest earners, this year it’s taken on a radically different tone.

  • fallscc2

    The Falls Community council move into their new premises at St Comgalls and launch their community enterprise by hosting high class office space as well as world class conference and event space.

  • DA CoL

    The cost-of-living crisis is escalating in front of our eyes. Deaf and disabled people cannot wait for action to be taken. We have been severely impacted by the cost-of-living crisis. This is on top of extra costs that we as disabled people already face.

  • DoH Visit

    Advice NI, in partnership with the Special Educational Needs Advice Centre (SENAC), plan to support carers of children with learning difficulties to become more digitally included enabling them to engage with policy and decision makers and to access their rights and entitlements. Funded by the Department of Health, this project will support carers to learn the digital skills to go online safely and to access their rights and entitlements. We will be sharing more updates on this project in our next edition of Advice Matters.


  • UC

    With students arriving at University to commence a new academic year, the Advice NI Policy & Information team has published an information briefing for advisers covering Universal Credit eligibility for students.

  • hmrc

    ‘Advice NI were contacted by a client who was a single parent and seeking advice on whether they had continued entitlement to Working Tax Credit working 16hrs per week, or if they needed to claim Universal Credit.